Arya Vir Dal Camp - July 5 to July 15, 2022

Vir Dal Camp is open to everyone. Please share with your family, friends and other groups.

Our activities include:

  • Dharma Shiksha

  • Vedic History

  • Yoga Asana

  • Bhajans and Shlokas


To Register for Vir Dal Camp, please complete the form below.

Expectation of Campers

  1. Campers should at all times follow rules and regulations of Vir Dal Camp.

  2. Be punctual every day.

  3. Honesty and Courtesy must be practiced at all times.

  4. All participants are expected to be respectful to camp leaders and to each other.

  5. Full participation in games or. other social and cultural activities are encouraged.

  6. All campers will receive equal treatment.

  7. Only vegetarian meals will be served. Parents are asked to cooperate with this requirement at home during the duration of camp.

  8. All campers are expected to come prepared to take notes on lectures, take part in discussions, and complete all quizzes.

  9. All concerns must be directed to the Varga Nayak or Netri, who will bring it to the attention of the camp leader.

  10. Instructors will determine the rules for active participation, including participation in group work.

  11. Behavior deemed inappropriate can lead to disciplinary consequences, including expulsion from the camp.

  12. Electronic devices are not allowed during active camp session. If a camper is found using any such device without permission, it will be taken away and returned at the end of the day.

  13. Each group will be assigned for: organizing games and organizing talent performance.

  14. Entertainment for the evening sessions will be in the form of: individual and group singing, instrumental recitals, and poetry, drama and narration.